This week's Federalist Patriot headlines...
James Taranto's Newspulper Headlines...Wheat in Kansas, Couscous in Morocco:
"Rice in Asia" —
Washington Times editorial
Talk About Your Meager Rations!:
"Straw and Rice Meet Katrina Victims" —
ScotsmanWhat Would We Breathe Without Experts?:
"Experts Agree Breathing Duck Waste Hazardous" —
St. Petersburg (Fla.) TimesFriends Don't Let Friends Dive Drunk:
"Australian Study Finds Alcohol Linked to Croc Attacks" —Associated Press
Standing Up for Starving Students:
"Edwards Takes Anti-Poverty Movement to Dartmouth" —Associated Press
Finally, Noah Faces the Music:
"Ark. Animal Rescuers Charged With Cruelty" —Associated Press