Time for some James Taranto newspaper headlines...
Things Not to Do if You're a Duck"Ducks to Test Coyotes' Toughness"--headline, East Valley Tribune (Mesa, Ariz.), Oct. 7
After Dispatching the Yankees, They're Negotiating From Strength"Tigers Agree to Resume Peace Talks"--headline, CNN.com, Oct. 10
Why Do You Think They Call It Dogma?"Pets Gaining Recognition in Places of Worship"--headline, National Geographic News. Oct. 6
Isn't the Real News That They Found Atlantis?"Tiny Hole Found in Atlantis"--headline, Toronto Daily News, Oct. 6
When He Loses a Suit, He Loses a Suit!"Prosecutor Naked at Work"--headline, Enquirer (Cincinnati), Oct. 10
Bridge Supports"Bras Will Span Susquehanna River"--headline, Daily Item (Sunbury, Pa.), Oct. 8
Those Were Some Fiiine Leaves"Foxy Lettuce Recalled"--headline, Toronto Sun, Oct. 9
'Take a Deep Breath and Think. What Were You Doing When You Saw It Last?'"FDA Urges Calm Over Lettuce Recall"--headline, HealthDay.com, Oct. 9
At Least It Boiled"Firefighters: Unwatched Pot Started Abbeville Fire"--headline, WYFF-TV Web site (Greenville, S.C.), Oct. 8
Thanks for the Tip!--CX"Health Tip: Protect Your Lips"--headline, HealthDay.com, Oct. 11
Bottom Stories of the Day:"Sisters who seldom see each other end up in same room"--subheadline, Lubbock (Texas) Avalanche-Journal, Oct. 10
"Apex Fire Has Little Effect on Duke Community"--headline, Duke Chronicle, Oct. 11
"Remedial Classes Not Leading Many to College Degrees"--headline, Columbus Dispatch, Oct. 10
"2nd Man Not Arrested in Oct. 2 Beating"--headline, Newark (Ohio) Advocate, Oct. 11
"The Balloon Fiesta Is the Largest Portable Toilet Event in the State"--headline, Albuquerque Tribune, Oct. 7
"Instructor Who Doubts 9/11 Compares Bush to Hitler"--headline, Associated Press, Oct. 11